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In this lesson we're going to talk about patient positioning as it relates to your IV placement. What you want to do is think about three things whenever you're looking at your patient's position. The first one is ideal site location. The second one is patient comfort, and the last one is nursing ergonomics. So let's take a look at the first one. The first one is an ideal site selection. So what that means is if we're putting in maybe a foot Ivy, we want to make sure that we put the foot in the best position, the most proper position, and the most optimal position to get that IV started. If I raise that foot up really high, it's actually going to cause that Venus draining, so your the veins are going to be flat, they're not going to pop up like you want them to. It's going to make it more complicated.
It also is uncomfortable for the patient, so always think, take that into consideration. The second thing is patient comfort. You never want to put your patient in a compromising position where it could affect them health wise or something that's uncomfortable. If they're uncomfortable, they're not going to be compliant. They're going to wiggle. You're going to have a more difficult time getting that IV set. So always put your patient in a very comfortable position. And the last one is nursing or ergonomics. And when I say nursing ergonomics, I'm talking about your safety. I'm talking about making sure that you are comfortable and that you are really doing things in an optimal position and optimal comfort for you. The last thing you want to do is have the bed in the lowest position. You're trying to get a foot Ivy, and then all of a sudden your back hurts.
And for the rest of the day, you're just aching. And you don't want to do that. So what you need to do is you need to raise that bet up to the real working height. I'm a tall guy, I've always told my patients every time I'm raising them up in the bed, Hey, you're going for a little ride, because that's important for them to know that they're going to be really high up in the air. But it's for my safety as well. The other thing is if that's not going to work for you, you can also put the patient's bed in the lowest position and then bring that bedside chair over and have them dangle that arm over and you can get that IV, but that way. So always take these things into consideration when you're looking at your patient's position. Now, I hope these tips have really helped you out. Now, like we always say, go out and be your best selves today, and as always, happy nursing.
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